Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:

FCKeditor Tag Library

The FCKeditor Tag Library offers a very convenient way to create several FCKeditor instances with different configurations. Additionally, you can check for user-based capabilities.

This is version 2.5.

  • check Displays session-dependent and compatibility-related information
  • config Sets a config property of the editor to the supplied value
  • editor Creates a FCKeditor instance with the given parameters

Required attributes are marked with a *


Displays session-dependent and compatibility-related information. The messages can be localized.

Can contain: empty


<FCK:check command="FileUpload" />
<FCK:check command="CompatibleBrowser" />


Name Description Type
command* Provide the feature name you want to check. Valid features are [FileUpload, GetResources, FileBrowsing (deprecated), CompatibleBrowser, CreateFolder, FolderCreation (deprecated)] String


Sets a config property of the editor to the supplied value. You may provide any attribute you want for the editor. Set at least one attribute per tag or several attributes with one tag. This tag can only be nested within an editor tag. For all configuration options click here.

Can contain: empty


<FCK:config SkinPath="/skins/silver/" AutoDetectLanguage="true" />

This tag has no attributes.


Creates a FCKeditor instance with the given parameters. Any parameter except instanceName which is empty or contains whitespace only will be ignored.

Can contain: JSP


<FCK:editor instanceName="editorDefault" height="500px" />


Name Description Type
basePath The path/folder in which the editor is deployed under the given context (e.g. '/fckeditor'). The context path will be attached automatically. String
height Height of the FCKeditor instance in the browser window. String
instanceName* The unique instance name under which the editor can be retrieved through the API. String
toolbarSet The toolbar set which shall be displayed to the user. String
value Passes any content as-is to the FCKeditor document. Use the jsp:attribute tag for large inline content. String
width Width of the FCKeditor instance in the browser window. String