FCKeditor Tag Library

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="FCK" uri="http://java.fckeditor.net" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:FCK="http://java.fckeditor.net" />

The FCKeditor Tag Library offers a very convenient way to create several FCKeditor instances with different configurations. Additionally, you can check for user-based capabilities.

Tag Library Information
Display NameFCKeditor Tag Library
Short NameFCK

Tag Summary
editorCreates a FCKeditor instance with the given parameters. Any parameter except instanceName which is empty or contains whitespace only will be ignored.
configSets a config property of the editor to the supplied value. You may provide any attribute you want for the editor. Set at least one attribute per tag or several attributes with one tag. This tag can only be nested within an editor tag. For all configuration options click here.
checkDisplays session-dependent and compatibility-related information. The messages can be localized.

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