The FCKeditor.Java Integration makes the deployment of the FCKeditor in your Java environment a piece of cake.
A rich documentation, a well-designed Java library, and an out of the box demo webapp will show you how to get started quickly and deploy the FCKeditor within minutes without juggling with cryptic JSP scriptlets or any JavaScript API. Although it's targeted to be used as a tag library within JSPs, it's a snap within a template engine like Velocity or FreeMarker too.
This documentation is straight forward to use!
Read the Changes in this release. Go over and checkout the Demo and if you are ready to deploy the FCKeditor in your webapp, download it, follow the Installation Guide and the Integration Overview.
Help us improve the FCKeditor.Java Integration!
If you think this documentation, the Java library or anything else is lacking something, contains errors, or can be improved do not hesitate to open a thread in our forums or file a ticket in our issue tracker.