Integration with Velocity or FreeMarker

Velocity and FreeMarker are quite similar and serve similar needs, they are discussed together in this section.

This part of the documentation is just for those who are familiar with Velocity or FreeMarker. It's just a hint for an approach on how to use the Java Integration Pack with these template engines!

The required jars are velocity-1.x.x.jar or freemarker-2.x.jar in order to work with Velocity or FreeMarker respectively and commons-collections.jar also has to be available for Velocity. Drop the required jar files in your classpath (usually WEB-INF/lib).

The main class that builds the html for the editor is net.fckeditor.FCKeditor. We propose to write a wrapper object to initialize the FCKeditor object.
Take a look at this very simple example:

public class FCKeditorWrapper {
  private HttpServletRequest request;

  public FCKeditorWrapper(final HttpServletRequest request) {
    this.request = request;

  public String get(final String instanceName, final String value) {
    FCKeditor editor = new FCKeditor(request, instanceName);
    return editor.createHtml();

Let's assume you add a FCKeditorWrapper instance called editor to your context objects, then you just need the following minimal template example (Velocity):

<form method="post" action="[servlet path]">
   $editor.get("DefaultEditor", "Some text");
   <input type="submit" value="OK" />